Host Your Next Retreat in Costa Rica
Discover Support 360°, Luxury, Transformation, & Profitability!
- How hosts are earning $15k – $40k+ from retreats hosted at Imiloa Institute
- Imiloa's 3-Step Process to running profitable and scaleable events
- How Imiloa's done-for-you, high-end, turn-key experience allows you to show up and deliver a world-class retreat people can't wait to attend again and again!
Since 2018, Imiloa has supported 250+ retreat hosts, educators, and transformational leaders to be more profitable, peaceful, and impactful as they scale their businesses and enjoy a one-stop solution from contract to touchdown, transformation to takeoff.
Register for one of our No-Obligation Live Discovery Sessions to learn how Imiloa Institute can fully support YOU as a retreat host as well!
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Imiloa is an inter-continental institute for the education and advancement of human beings.
Click Play below to take a peek inside what makes Imiloa Institute so special
You’re a transformational leader, retreat host or corporate event planner and aren’t fully supported in your events by the team at the retreat center from ticketing, to touchdown to takeoff for you and your clients.
You’re overcharged, or the charges aren’t clear until you're invoiced. Everything’s extra, not included, and you can’t get a clear idea of your profits.
You aren’t taking home at least $10,000 from your events after all expenses.
You feel like you’re out on your own, not supported by the venue or other peers. You want to be connected with other leaders but don’t know how to do it and still focus on your business, family, friendships and personal life
The staff at your retreat centers are nice, but they aren’t going the extra mile to make clients and participants surprised and delighted at every turn.
You want it all — mountain, jungle, beach and ocean — while also being exclusive — but can't seem to find it.
At Imiloa Institute, you get the support you deserve – a full campus or shared, gourmet food, a 50-person Concierge and Property Team executing every aspect of your event before touchdown and during the retreat and the relief in knowing your guests will have a world-class hospitality experience.
The average Imiloa host earns $15,000-$40,000+ net from their 5-night retreat at Imiloa. Join the Live Discovery Series to find out how.
Let's see it convert!

Clarity around your own vision as a host
With clarity, you get choice back. You get to be choosy. You are supported by the top concierge team in the business pre-event. Then, our 40-person property team in Costa Rica executes every aspect of your event so that way you get to finally focus on teaching and being with your guests, deepening your relationships with them and growing your business beyond retreats.

A clear path toward profitability and impact with your events
When you arrive at Serenity, which comes after we embrace you and get you clear, your shoulders relax. Your heart opens. You become more creative and our team of operators, event creators, and hospitality and wellness professionals guide you so that you can show up as your best self.
You have 3 pre-event meetings with the concierge team outlining each day of the event. You can book as many Host Health calls as you wish in between for support. The concierge team prepares the “Welcome Home Team” (the property team) so that your gathering is unique, expertly executed and your guests have a feeling of being at home while learning from you and being on retreat.

DISCOVER HOW IMILOA has supported 250+of the world’s top clients since 2018 and how we've helped them become wildly profitable and impactful in their global missions, supporting business, while also creating a community of peers and new friends that care deeply about you.
Register for your Free Discovery Series Session

When you host a retreat at Imiloa:
Find out how taking action and signing a contract gets you thousands of dollars in signing bonuses.
Get a FREE TRIP to Costa Rica with other leaders just like you for our all-inclusive “FAM TRIP” after you sign a contract ($5,000 value and 100% our gift to you!)
See a clear path toward profitability for your retreat, including how we help you market and sell your event.
Receive many online and offline marketing and sales materials, videos, photos for all platforms featuring you on our campus!
Discover how you can be involved with Imiloa’s online institute for greater global impact
Finally get to receive more as a transformational leader than you give!
Register for your Free Discovery Series Session
An inter-continental institute for the education and advancement of human beings.
We are creating the experience of home for human beings to awaken their consciousness on every continent on the planet with six additional planned locations around the globe over the next 5 years.
To discover if Imiloa is a fit for you as a retreat host, transformational leader or corporate event planner, and how you can tap into this global network,
Register Now for a No-Obligation Discovery Series Session