Are You Tired of Not Being Supported When You Host a Retreat?
Imiloa has helped 250+ retreat hosts since 2018 be abundant and is your one-stop solution for ticketing, to touchdown, transformation to takeoff.
You’re a transformational leader, retreat host or corporate event planner and aren’t fully supported in your events by the team at the retreat center from ticketing, to touchdown to takeoff for you and your clients.
You’re overcharged, or the charges aren’t clear until you're invoiced. Everything’s extra, not included, and you can’t get a clear idea of your profits.
You aren’t taking home at least $10,000 from your events after all expenses.
You have to share the campus or retreat center with other retreat hosts and just want a place to call your own.
The staff at your retreat centers are nice, but they aren’t going the extra mile to make clients and participants surprised and delighted at every turn.
You want it all — mountain, jungle, beach and ocean — while also being exclusive — but can't seem to find it.
At Imiloa Institute, you get the full campus, a world class chef and kitchen team collaborating with you, a retreat operation and client success team to ensure you and your clients get whatever you want.
Imiloa’s top performing hosts take home $20,000 or more from their 5 night retreat. Complete the application to find out how.
Book a Shared Vision Call Below
Doing the kind of work I do, with the intentionality and sacredness of it, as well as serving a higher end clientele that often asks for discretion, I needed a retreat center that understood me, my mission and my people. The client care team at Imiloa far surpassed any dream I had for the support I've wanted for years.
Imiloa has the best team, and they make my facilitators feel woven into the experience effortlessly. Imiloa's even sold a number of the tickets to my event to their audience which obviously cares about what they have to say.
The land is sacred, and they've clearly been focused on regeneration. They don't extract resources and people, they are abundant and their business practices reflect that. I am referring all of my colleagues to consider hosting at Imiloa. Normally, I would need to take a full 12 months to host again. Because of Imiloa, I signed up for my renewal within six months.
My business was stabilized and is now thriving thanks to Imiloa. So highly recommended.
Andy Sudbrock
Sacred Path Retreats – 2x Imiloa Retreat Host
You're out on the leading edge of thought, brave enough to turn around and invite the rest of us out there too. You should be fully supported as a leader.
Imiloa stands for you and the years of work you've put toward your craft and mastery. We ensure you have everything taken care before you arrive so you can focus on content and clients. We never thought the idea of taking care of people could be such a simple, yet impactful, solution.

Clarity around your own vision as a host
With clarity, you get to be creative and get choosy. With an all-star team of event producers, accountants, web designers, property managers, Chef and kitchen team, you get to focus on what you’re best in the world at.
A clear path toward profitability and impact with your events
From clarity, you get to experience Serenity. That’s when your shoulders relax, and you get to be guided, so that you can best show up for those that are joining you on your retreat.
You have up to nine meetings with Imiloa during the course of your journey, ensuring that everything from marketing, to client success to retreats and operations is handled.

LEARN HOW IMILOA has supported 150+ retreat clients since opening in 2018 and how we’ve helped them become wildly profitable and impactful in their global missions while hosting at an institute that feels more like a national park than a retreat center.

When you host a retreat at Imiloa:
Find out how taking action and signing a contract gets you $1,000 signing bonus.
If you host with Imiloa, Imiloa provides you all-expense paid FAM TRIP (Familiarization Trip) to Costa Rica so you can scout the campus, take photos, jump-start marketing and meet the team! Roundtrip airfare, accommodation stay, full ground transport and food included!
See a clear path toward profitability for your retreats with the support of our client success team.
Experience full support from our Retreats Team while planning your event or get support to design a full retreat webpage to help market and sell tickets to your retreat.
An inter-continental institute for the education and advancement of human beings.
We are creating the experience of home for human beings to awaken their consciousness on every continent on the planet with six additional planned locations around the globe over the next 5 years.
To discover if Imiloa is a fit for you as a retreat host, transformational leader or corporate event planner, and how you can tap into this global network, apply to host now.