SOUL is a fiercely feminine word. It speaks to the magical power we have within us, to lovingly and intentionally enhance our lives. When we speak of SOUL, we are connecting to the deeper aspects of who we are. Living a Soul FULL Life therefore becomes, a journey of both acceptance and growth. It is being vulnerable enough with ourselves to honor these intentions with great care.

If this kind of journey speaks to you, if the universe is whispering, “Hey you! Yes, YOU. There is a different way to live your ONE PRECIOUS LIFE”, your path towards a life of purpose, significance, belonging, freedom, balance, and joy is waiting for you here!

JULY 27 – AUGUST 1, 2024

About The Retreat

The SoulFULL Living Retreat is THE PLACE where women like you are seen, celebrated, and supported to develop more authentic connection to self and others, inspiring deep and lasting personal growth and relational change.

As a working mother and leadership and lifestyle coach, I am passionate about equipping women with what they need to live their very best lives. Especially when SoulFULL Living feels hard or out of reach.

So, what does it mean to live a SoulFULL Life?

A SoulFULL Human balances doing and being, masculine and feminine, giving and receiving, and work, rest and play.

A SoulFULL Woman empowers herself to live her truth, embraces imperfection, relishes passion, and invites serenity.

A SoulFULL Leader owns her purpose & strengths with confidence and inspires others to do the same.

A SoulFULL Mother nurtures herself unapologetically and raises her children securely.

A SoulFULL Daughter speaks her truth, knows her needs, and accepts her mom's imperfections.

A SoulFULL Partner gives and receives freely while honoring herself and others.

A SoulFULL Friend finds her people and dares to be known for who she is.

A SoulFULL Changemaker believes in her purpose and pursues her goals and aspirations with confidence, influence and service.

Would you like to know this woman? You already do!

Even if, in this moment, you might resonate more with some of these statements:

  • I am on the verge of burnout.
  • I feel guilty no matter what role I am playing.
  • I say yes when I mean no.
  • I resist help and assistance from others.
  • I have to be perfect.
  • I suffer from self-doubt and comparison.
  • I have lost touch with my body and what it needs.
  • I struggle to identify my purpose.
  • I am uninspired and unfulfilled at work.
  • I worry I am failing my children.
  • I lack passion for my partner.
  • I long to establish relationships that are genuine, secure, and satisfying.

I see you! I am also a woman who has navigated the same types of things you are. Who has felt many of the things you have and at times, still do. I get it which is what inspired me to create this experience. For women like us. For women like you!

What You Will Discover

The 5-day immersive SoulFULL Living Retreat is both an experience and a community of like-minded women who support each other to:

KNOW our unique sources of purpose, significance and belonging.

HEAL patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving in the way of personal, relational success and professional success.

SEE all parts of ourselves ~ Human, Woman, Leader, Mother, Daughter, Partner, Friend and Changemaker–free from self-limiting beliefs and habits that fracture our essence and keep us from joy.

LOVE ourselves and others wholeheartedly through greater conscious awareness of our needs and boundaries.

What You Will Gain


Gather with like-minded women who are ready to transform their connection to self and others.


Master mindsets, tools, and self-care habits that get activated at the retreat and sustained back home.


Find newfound peace, forgiveness and enriching relational bonds.


Understand your unique sources of purpose, significance and belonging and how to live into those in your day-to-day lives.


Invite vulnerability and intimacy into the relationships that matter to you most, including the one with yourself!


Be in relationship authentically, vulnerably and intentionally to attract the kind of people you desire to be in community with.

Sounds AH-MAZING. Right?

Our Carefully Crafted Journey

In community, here is the journey that awaits you!
Day 1 – July 27


After your private flight transfer from SJO to Imiloa’s landing strip, your journey begins. Take this time to immerse yourself in the space and all that Imiloa has to offer. Exhale, meet your new community, get settled into your luxury accommodations and begin to set your intentions for the week. We will gather for refreshing mocktails, enjoy a beautiful ocean sunset and eat our first of many, delicious 5-star vegan meals. Relax and connect with this newfound community as details about the week ahead are revealed.

Day 2 – July 28


Begin the journey by taking stock of all that has brought you to the retreat and set soul-sourced intentions for the week ahead. You will enter the SoulFULL Living journey by gaining more awareness about yourself and your relationships. Guided in gentle curiosity, you will be invited to get to know your acquired beliefs and patterns of behavior and how these connect to your deepest personal and relational needs. You will begin to reclaim your power and influence in the important roles and relationships that define your being and create meaning in your life.

Day 3 – July 29


From KNOW, we will wander with compassion and grace into HEAL.  We will begin to explore and nurture our unique sense of purpose, significance, and belonging and leave this day with clarity, acceptance, and self-compassion. We will start with a divine waterfall experience that will further illuminate your SoulFULL desires. Using the awareness awakened so far, we will also learn how to begin healing our pain points; courageous work that helps reduces frustrating, repetitive, and burdening patterns that show up in our relationships to ourselves and others.

Day 4 – July 30


From HEAL, our eyes will become more open to SEE. Empowered by the transformative work of the first few days, we will experience a new way of showing up for ourself and others and begin mastering mindsets, tools, and self-care habits that invite greater ease and serenity internally and with all the roles we play and relationships that matter to us. We will also take an excursion to the beach and experience walking a beautiful labyrinth created just for us. We will celebrate our journey so far by playing without abandon in the magical Pacific Ocean!

Day 5 – July 31


From SEE, we will end in the place we all desire—LOVE. We will spend this final full day completely attuned to our authentic selves, relishing in our unique gifts of body, mind and spirit. By now, you will have noticed that the slight shifts in how you show up for yourself and others are more congruent with your intentions and your needs. An evening gathering with our newfound community will celebrate the incredible journey we have made in the course of these precious five days.

Day 6 – August 1


This final morning of your SoulFULL Living journey is an exciting moment to pay tribute to the deeper connections you’ve made to both self and others. It will be easy to celebrate the life-changing growth you witnessed in yourself and others and the soul-centered connections that will follow you home. This is the first day of the rest of your life. You can’t wait to return home and let your SOUL shine!

Your SoulFULL Life is ready to welcome you, and so are we!


Note: The SoulFULL Living Retreat is designed for all women. Our community welcomes older adolescents and young adults who desire to connect with their peers and elders while embarking on their own personal growth journey. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Your Host

Renée M. Dineen

Renée is an ICF PCC accredited leadership and team coach, seasoned group facilitator and leadership consultant. Today she runs her own global practice out of California with an important focus on women and leadership. She believes that the new era of women’s leadership calls us to step more fully into our role as changemakers—requiring greater attention to self-care, a willingness to heal what calls to be healed, and the courage to name and pursue our truest aspirations. Only then can women achieve the freedom, discernment and choiceful balance needed to fully step into their unique purpose and work in this world.

Renée is a woman on a mission for healing. What drives her above all is the opportunity to reduce human and organizational suffering and equip people to live with more purpose, grace, and joy. To advance her mission, Renée has been the guest on over 20 podcasts and published dozens of articles that have been featured in publications such as Fortune, Financial Times & Elephant Journal. Her anthology titled ‘The Art and Truth of Transformation for Women’ was released in 2021 and is a #1 best seller on Amazon.

In 2015, she founded the Modern Goddess Retreat: An Intimate Experience for Mothers & Daughters. The retreat is hosted multiple times a year in the California wine country. Taking all they have learned and experienced personally, Renée and her team designed The SoulFULL Living Retreat for Women which is hosted at the famous Imiloa Institute in Costa Rica.

In February 2020, Renée took her own story to the TEDx stage. Her talk titled Authentic Inaction: Undoing the Doing in a Do Crazy World is an account of her own trials and tribulations as a “doing addict” and workaholic. Her talk has reached over 600K views and supports her mission to revolutionize the way we work, play & relate to one another and our purpose.

Renée comes into this work from a transformational journey of her own. She is supported by a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and seasoned coach at two highly renowned universities—Stanford in the US and IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. She is also a Hoffman Institute Graduate and seasoned teacher of the Enneagram.

She has been married for over 20 years and has a young adult son who just started college and a blossoming teenage daughter. Together as a family, they have turned their passion for travel, 50 countries and counting, into a true family ritual!


This retreat inspires a metamorphosis from the inside out, no matter where you are on that journey. If you are in a stage of forming a cocoon, this retreat allows you to build a safe and nourishing time to grow and heal. If you are emerging from your cocoon, this retreat gives you courage to un-limit yourself and break free little by little or at once. And finally, when you are ready to spread your wings to discover the beauty of the unknown, the connections you make with these women give you the courage and friendship you need to manifest what your heart most desires!

I found a new tribe — one free of judgment and disapproval because I think differently. I also discovered that perhaps God has a plan to use me in other's lives for good, and that was one of many other, unexpected gifts!

This retreat is a beautiful way to check in with yourself and courageously explore all the different areas of your life and relationships that you want to deepen and make even better. Renee does a fabulous job with guiding conversations and asking those questions that really make you think. And the destination is like no other! The staff go above and beyond to truly care for you while you do this work.

This retreat was an unexpected gift in reconnecting with my inner child and healing wounds I had ignored for years. I was surrounded by women willing to be vulnerable and raw and in turn, we found the strength to lift ourselves and each other up, like a mirror reflecting light. It was a retreat that put me in a place of wonder and awe, enriched by the magic of the environment and the chance to marvel and celebrate our power.

This retreat was life changing…after experiencing a cancer diagnosis and treatment, it was time for me to really look inward and renew the love i have for myself, figure out the type of life I want to live and start taking steps to LIVE IT. This retreat did just that for me. I now look at situations differently, I take time for true self care and I am taking steps to make sure i live a SoulFULL life.

The retreat was a perfect combination of right brain and left brain healing. On left-brain side, it was like a year of therapy in just a few days. On the right-brain side, it was a slow, peaceful time surrounded by the jungle, the animals, the ocean, the waterfall, lovely nourishing food, embodiment, and the more spiritual side of healing.

The SoulFULL Living retreat was meant as a gift for my daughter’s high school graduation. Little did I know that it was a gift for myself as well. In a short period, I was able to find corners of my soul I have ignored and left undusted for decades. Finding them, confronting the void, and filling in the cracks allowed me to start the healing process. I came back from the trip feeling uplifted and supported, buoyed by an unexpected sisterhood and the enriched relationship I have with my daughter. There are still spaces in my soul that need attention, and the work will be ongoing, but I found the light switch and it’s not as scary to look at what’s there without being scared of what I might find. This retreat was the light I needed to live my very best life.

I came into the retreat without any concrete expectations, I just knew that I would come home with something valuable. I knew that something special was going to be there just waiting to be discovered. I found that and so much more! I felt profound healing of my mother-wound. I did a thorough check-in with myself around how I give and receive love, with whom do I withhold it from and with whom do I give it generously. Most importantly, why. Lastly I found what it feels to be truly safe, protected and loved. Those are just some of the initial gifts I took with me. I know as I continue to do the work, more gifts will follow and with the post-retreat support offered, Renée has made it so easy to stay on my transformation journey.

This retreat gave me an opportunity to allow things to bubble up to the surface that I was not necessarily expecting. It felt like I was experiencing true magic. I started the retreat with one mindset and came away with so much more. Be ready to be OPEN to receiving the information that your inner self wants you to focus on! It truly is life-changing!

This retreat could not have come at a more perfect time for me after a battle with cancer. I left this retreat feeling a sense of renewal. I have been able to really identify what I truly want out of this life free of judgement from myself and from others. I am realizing that my dreams can become a reality and that I can life a SoulFULL life and can be a better mother, wife, daughter, business owner, community leader and most importantly I can love myself..including the flaws. I can't wait to attend this retreat again and to continue to build upon all I have learned.

Renee is gifted at creating a safe space to be vulnerable and allow your authentic self to step into the light. This retreat was the most peaceful, safe, spiritual and freeing experience I've ever had. I was able to shut out all the noise of the real world and take an intimate look inwards. This is the best gift any woman can give to herself. Say YES to this retreat! You simply won't regret it.

The depth of heart and mastery that Renee brings to this experience is awe-inspiring.

My relationships will not be the same afterwards. This experience has the potential to shift and make more peaceful, joyous and mutually enriching, every relationship I have with the women in my circle of life.

Thanks to Renee’s outstanding ability, the outcome for me is that she cracked my life as an adult. I will be grateful to her for my entire life.

There was a perfect amount of intensity and levity. I came away with stronger relationships, a sense of relief, a better understanding of my pathway forward, fond memories, new friends and new intentions. I think all women should do this work. It would do wonders for our families as society in large.

I still feel the very positive vibes of the week we spent together. The impact it has had on me, both in my private and my professional life, is tremendous. I feel much more ‘in balance’ (heart, body & mind), to live life again to the fullest. I am more grateful for the life I have lived and the people I have loved so far. Many thanks for all your valuable insights and feedback.

I truly did not know what to expect when I signed up to attend the SoulFULL Living Retreat. I had trusted in someone that attended previously that described it as life changing. It takes a lot for me to call anything life changing but that is exactly what this was. The setting of Costa Rica is already a great backdrop for this experience, but it was so much more than that. The program was paced appropriately which allowed me patience in my self-exploration during the journey. I left the retreat wanting more and also with friendships from amazing women from all over the world.

Ready to transform your relationships as women, and with women?

Ticket Pricing




Triple occupancy in a Geodesic Dome with views of the jungle




Double occupancy in a Jungle Bungalow with views of the jungle




Double occupancy in a Geodesic Dome with views of the jungle




Single occupancy in a Jungle Bungalow with views of the jungle.





Single occupancy in a Sky Forest Suite with beautiful rainforest views.





Single occupancy in a Bali Style Suite with beautiful jungle or ocean views.

Please note: the double price for this room to be shared for 2 people is $7,500 total.





Single occupancy in your own private Bali Villa with stunning views of the jungle and ocean

Please note: the double price for this room to be shared for 2 people is $9,000 total. 


  • 6 days and 5 nights luxury accommodations
  • 2 private plane transfers from SJO airport to Imiloa’s landing strip
  • All inclusive luxury ground transportation
  • Gourmet organic meals
  • Pool, waterfall, fire, cacao ceremony and beach experiences
  • Somatic practices–breathwork, ice bath, yoga and dance
  • Access to miles of jungle paths for relaxation, meditation and exploration
  • A post-retreat community call with the host and attendees
A completely private campus; available to your retreat group only. Access to a private waterfall, nature paths, incredible flora and fauna, and an ocean view infinity pool. Also included is a dedicated team of 20+ local professionals to coordinate everything for your enjoyment, from touch down to take off.

Gourmet plant-based cuisine prepared using all local and organic produce. Full meals, snacks, teas, coffees and fruit trays available throughout your stay.
Private transportation from the International airport to our campus; a private driver and transportation to our campus in Imiloa Mountain.
What’s Not Included

Flights to SJO, Spa treatments, excursion (optional event)


Immerse yourself in a 22-acre jungle oasis located in Dominical, Costa Rica. Imiloa is nestled in the heart of the rainforest, overlooking the majestic Pacific Ocean, and is just a short 15-minute ride from the beach. It offers the perfect setting for experiencing deep healing while being embraced by nature, all in the comfort of luxurious accommodations. We like to call it JungleLuxury.

During your stay at Imiloa, you can revel in the beauty of our nature paths, indulge in the serenity of our private waterfall, relax by the shared infinity pool that offers breathtaking forest and ocean views, and of course, savor the culinary delights of our gourmet plant-based meals meticulously crafted by our expert kitchen team.


Included in each accommodation is the comfiest mattresses, 850 thread count sheets, storage space and dry rooms as needed, fiber optic internet, daily cleaning service, private en-suite bath, indoor/outdoor design for every accommodation with a focus on nature and being your private refuge, and full service, thrice-filtered private well for drinking water throughout the property.

Bali Suites

Our 3 Bali Suites are elegantly situated at the top of the mountain in the 200 year old Bali Village. The suites are located just a few steps away from our shared infinity pool, with gorgeous views overlooking the rainforest and the pacific ocean.

Bali Suites 1 and 2: 1 King bed or 2 twins
Bali Master: 1 King bed
100 square feet
1 – 2 Guest Capacity
Ocean or garden views
Shared infinity plunge pool

Jogolo House

Perched on the edge of the cliff, at the furthest end of the property, sits a 170 year old home from the Java Islands named Jogolo. Complete with a writer’s desk, outdoor Balinese shower, and unique hand-carved architecture, Jogolo is teeming with history, soul and comfort.

1 King bed
480 square feet
1 – 2 Guest Capacity
Ocean & Rainforest Views
Wrap Around Sun Deck
Private cold plunge pool
No AC | Fans + Open-air construction that allow for natural ventilation

Potoo House

This two-floor imported home from Bali will have you wishing you’d never leave. Complete with a King Bed and a twin in the corner of the 180 year old home, Potoo combines open-air jungle luxury with unparalleled views of the Pacific ocean. On the lower level you will find a plunge pool and private area perfect for spa treatments.

1 King bed and 1 Twin bed
300 square feet
1 – 3 Guest Capacity
Ocean & Rainforest Views
Wrap Around Sun Deck
Private cold plunge pool
No AC | Fans + Open-air construction that allow for natural ventilation

Geodesic River Domes

Inspired by sacred geometry, our 6 Geodesic River Domes, sits in the rainforest along the edge of our private river. Enjoy the soothing sounds of the flowing water paired with the vibrant sounds of the jungle.

2 King beds or 4 twins
480 Sq. ft. Living Space
1 – 4 Guest Capacity
Private Jungle deck
Open-air shower with rainforest views

Jungle Bungalows

Our 6 Jungle Bungalows are in close proximity to our common area, and right on the pathway to our own private waterfall. Bali inspired, the interiors feature natural finishings and beautiful details. Spacious bathrooms with a shower and soaking tub looking out to the rainforest.

1 King bed or 2 twins
430 Sq. ft. Living Space
1 – 2 Guest Capacity
Private Jungle Deck
Soaking tub
No AC | Open-air construction with fans and screens that allow for natural ventilation


At Imiloa, we take pride in being a conscious comfort food campus. That means we serve healthy, locally-sourced, gourmet vegan meals that are as artistically plated, scientifically nourishing and delightfully crafted for all of our retreat guests.


The Spa

Treat yourself to the ultimate relaxation and wellness experience amidst our lush jungle surroundings. Our signature 60-minute massage treatments, offered by skilled local specialists will leave you feeling relaxed rejuvenated. Unwind and embark on a blissful journey of tranquility, surrounded by the serenity and soothing sounds of the rainforest.

The Wellness Bar

At Imiloa we have developed a healthy and tasty menu for our Wellness bar which includes an amazing assortment of signature beverages ranging from superfood smoothies, detoxifying elixirs, freshly pressed juices, custom crafted mocktails & delicious specialty coffees.

For more details on our wellness bar and spa please inquire with our customer care team at


Included in your retreat ticket is a privately charted plane from SJO to Imiloa as well as luxury ground transportation to from the airstrip. For more details and information on transportation please email our team at


Imiloa has taken the extra step to ensure your peace of mind by partnering with a trusted and comprehensive travel insurance provider. Our chosen provider meets the entry requirements for Costa Rica and offers “cancel for any reason” plans that provide maximum coverage. With this additional option available through, you can travel with confidence, knowing that your retreat experience is safeguarded against unforeseen circumstances. Discover the true essence of worry-free travel where every detail is carefully curated to enhance your journey of wellness and adventure.


Nestled in the heart of the jungle, atop a mountain with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, Imiloa offers a truly immersive nature experience. Adjacent to the second most biodiverse land on the planet, our location is a nature-lover's paradise. Just a quick 15-minute drive away, you'll find Dominical, a vibrant beach town with surf, excellent coffee, and local shopping opportunities.

To the north, you can explore Quepos, and to the south, discover Ojochal and Uvita, famously known as the Whale's Tail.

But that's not all. Imiloa's convenient location also provides easy access to other attractions. Just 45 minutes to the east lies San Isidro, Costa Rica's second largest city. Within an hour's drive in all directions, you'll find cafes, beaches, waterfalls, biodiversity, and friendly locals eager to share the beauty of our lush, lovely area that we proudly call home.

Your journey to Imiloa is made even more convenient with our private plane, ensuring a smooth arrival. During your stay with us, your group will enjoy unlimited transportation to and from the beach, airport, and throughout your retreat, making your experience seamless and stress-free.

Come, immerse yourself in the wonders of nature and experience the warm hospitality of Imiloa. We can't wait to meet you!